Here at Staged Interior, our staging team works diligently to create spaces that showcase vacant or owner occupied properties to appeal to today’s home buyers. However, there is sometimes a challenge our team needs to overcome: helping home sellers understand what changes will make their home sales successful.
We’ve found it’s important to educate our clients on the value of staging their homes and what their role will be throughout this process. In most cases, home sellers are eager to sell quickly and for excellent prices. To achieve the mindset of a successful home seller, a person must be ready to readjust their thinking about a property. Home staging involves three key factors that a seller must remember—product preparation, marketing and price. By paying attention to these factors, the property is likely to close at a faster rate. Without this framework, sellers could lose focus, money, get frustrated, or worse, give up.
This can be hard for sellers to grasp, especially if they’re selling based on circumstances out of their control like a divorce or death. Here are six ideas to think about when selling a property:
Start with the End in Mind
Imagine you are already living the next phase of your life in a new property that you love regardless of your current circumstances. This will help you have a clear vision and direction of where you want to be. In order to keep this mindset top of mind remind yourself daily of your end goal, and that this is just a temporary situation that will ultimately get you to your next destination: sold at the closing table.
Set Feelings Aside
During this business transaction, it’s important to check your emotions at the door. If a home seller wants the biggest return on their investment, they need to utilize home staging to package the home properly by merchandising and marketing the home like any other product. Detaching yourself from the property emotionally will help make the transition easier to deal with.
Be Proactive During Showings
Next, it’s time to get into the property and critique it as a home buyer would. Today’s buyers are looking for a property that is “move-in ready,” which further suggests the importance of using Staged Interior. Our team helps make your home fresh and appealing as possible for an open house. All you’ll have to do is follow our suggestions about repairs and maintain the property by cleaning everything thoroughly while on the market.
Keep Control of Bad Habits
If you spend money on staging your property, it’s imperative you have a plan in place for maintaining the staging during the sale. Will you take the time to clean the property or will you hire a professional? One of the biggest habits to control is clutter, we recommend putting items away daily so it’s less work to maintain and you’re ready for that unexpected showing. Pack up or remove items too that you won’t need prior to going on the market!
Focus on the Buyer
In order to be an effective communicator during the sale of your home, we need to figure out who your potential home buyer is — and what they need and want in a property. Our team provides custom home staging plans that consider who the actual home buyer is, so we can tailor the property to subliminally connect with their emotions to create a sale.
Create Situations Where Everyone Wins
We believe selling a property is a team effort. That’s why we suggest establishing agreements or solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying for all parties involved this includes the real estate agent, home stager, seller and even the buyer.
By leveraging these six mindsets in your home sale, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your goal which is of course selling the property in a timely manner for the biggest return on investment. Need help getting your property prepared for sale? Contact us today to learn more about how Staged Interior can transform your property!